emotional decisions

Every military marriage faces obstacles, high levels of stress and innumerable decision-making moments. (it feels like all of these things are happening daily right now 😂 woof, 2020)

And maybe this is true for every marriage, but it feels like the military amplifies emotions when we are asked to make difficult decisions. All the darn time.

When we need to decide what school our kids will attend while a deployment is staring us in the eyeballs, answers feel far away.

When a family member back home passes away and you need to decide how to attend the funeral when you are half way across the country and the bank account is nearing zero, answers are never clear.

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We are asked and expected to make emotional decisions in addition to the every day choices.

It’s as if I can feel the tension in your shoulders as you read this. Take a deep breath, sister.

Here are a few things my friend Ashley recommends when you find yourself in tricky situations.
- name what matters now
- don’t get too ahead of yourself
- try not to make emotional decisions in a stressful situation


Let the dust settle and give yourselves space and time before big things get decided.